Algerbra calc

Algerbra calc

Input interpretation
Detailed definition
The word “algebra” is a distortion of the Arabic title of a treatise by al-Khwārizmī about algebraic methods. In modern usage, algebra has several meanings.
One use of the word “algebra” is the abstract study of number systems and operations within them, including such advanced topics as groups, rings, invariant theory, and cohomology. This is the meaning mathematicians associate with the word “algebra.” When there is the possibility of confusion, this field of mathematics is often referred to as abstract algebra.
Related topics
abstract algebra | alternative algebra | associative algebra | Banach algebra | Boolean algebra | Borel sigma-algebra | Cayley algebra | Clifford algebra | commutative algebra | C^*-algebra | derivation algebra | exterior algebra | fundamental theorem of algebra | graded algebra | homological algebra | Hopf algebra | Jordan algebra | Lie algebra | linear algebra | measure algebra | nonassociative algebra | power associative algebra | quaternion | Robbins algebra | Schur algebra | semisimple algebra | sigma-algebra | simple algebra | Steenrod algebra | umbral algebra | von Neumann algebra
Educational grade level
college level
Associated person
Mu:1e25ammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī
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